Mario Noriega Designs

Quality Flight Simulator Add-Ons


OSM World - South America

Welcome to OSM Wold: South America! This is a vector data scenery package covering the South American area. Coastlines, Rivers, lakes, roads, railways, and power lines with detail never before seen! All in an autogen-compatible density! You can see roundabouts, train terminals, harbor areas in a resolution of a point every 10 meters. At this same resolution a vectorial city class places residential (in small and big building variations, depending on surface area) and industrial areas exactly where they are supposed to be. This gives the city areas a resolution far superior to the capacity of FS-2004 default landclass bitmaps, limited to approximately 1 Km x 1 Km squares. OSM World: South America will even give you small roads leading to small towns (even a few houses across)! From big highway intersections, including ramps, to the tiniest rural pathways covering the entire South american area! Wherever in South America you fly, there is something to see!

You can enjoy this scenery near coastlines too! harbor areas and extremely detailed coastal topology (try the southern Chile). This scenery makes sure that the ocean is always flat, you can forget about the climbing water often found around photo-sceneries! This scenery is best paired with a good set of terrain meshes (like the freeware global SRTM mesh by Stephen Rothlisberger , available here: